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Role of Self-compassion in Mental Well-being | Solh Wellness

The term "self-compassion" refers to a person's positive and forgiving attitude towards oneself in the middle of failures and personal faults. Those who have a high level of self-compassion are thought to have a better level of individual wellbeing as a result of their caring attitude. Self-compassion actively contributes to mental health, and there is a link between it and people's overall wellbeing. Three primary elements make up self-compassion:  Self-kindness  Shared humanity  Awareness  Self-compassion is essential for fostering mental health. It entails being kind and accepting of yourself, especially while facing difficulties or flaws inside yourself. The following are some ways that self-compassion benefits mental health : Self-compassion helps decrease self-criticism and the critical internal discourse that frequently goes along with it. Self-compassion promotes self-kindness and understanding rather than punishing oneself for errors or perceived failures. Th

Strategies for promoting a Healthy Self-Image and Body Positivity | Solh Wellness

Self-image is how we see ourselves, also known as our internal dictionary. It describes our strengths and weaknesses and helps collectively represent our characteristics. Forming of self-image is a product of learning, influenced by early childhood experiences such as parents and caregivers. Self-image is a kind of mirror, that reflects back to us an image of ourselves, our experiences with others, and the relationship that we form. The images that we see in the mirror may be real or distorted, thus developing either a positive or a negative self-image. With a positive self-image, one recognizes and owns their strengths while being realistic about one's weaknesses as well , while with a negative self-image, one focuses on one's faults and weaknesses, distorting individuals' failures and imperfections. Strategies to Build a Positive self-image The formation of self-image is not permanently fixed; it keeps on changing. There are some of the steps to develop a positive self-im

Guiding tips to avoid Self-comparison and enhance personal growth | Solh Wellness

Humans are social animals, which is one of the reasons why it could be challenging to learn how to quit comparing yourself to other people. At every stage of life, we compete with one another for opportunities for a career, an education, fulfilling relationships, and survival. If we aren't careful, our attention may go from ourselves and we may start comparing our own advancement to that of others. Since it is fundamentally human to want to judge oneself against others, this temptation can show up in almost every circumstance. Methods to Avoid Self-Comparison Make a list of your best qualities, such as: It's easier to compare yourself to others when you don't feel good about yourself. It's easy to grossly undersell your own advantages while grossly overstating theirs. To help you avoid engaging in this destructive practise, make a list of your skills and talents, such as having a great sense of style or being an excellent listener. Finding your best habit could boost yo

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health of Young Adults | Solh Wellness

Social media is increasingly taking over our lives and providing us with a new mirror through which to view the world. It gives us information, keeps us connected, and has become crucial for professional advancement. As much as we appreciate its advantages, we must also be aware of the significant negative consequences it can have on our mental health, especially in young adults.  Important problems with social media use: The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is one of the most pervasive problems with social media. We frequently worry that we will miss out on pleasurable activities or significant events that are shared on social media. Seeing our friends' posts about events, trips, or social gatherings might make us feel inadequate, lonely, or afraid we won't live up to society expectations. It's critical to keep in mind that social media only shows the highlights of people's lives, not the entirety of them. Social media sites commonly showcase people's accomplishments, tr

Perspectives of Parents on dealing Children with Special Needs | Solh Wellness

  There are many children in the schools where inclusive education is focused,  of whom some are recommended to school counselors for professional help, as they have behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, bullying other students, and beating other students. When the parents of these children are called to schools to discuss their problems with them, they do not accept the fact that their children are showing inappropriate behaviors.  Parents who accept the fact that their children are suffering from behavioral issues, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and other childhood disorders will have positive perceptions and be able to take proper care of them. In contrast, parents who do not accept their child’s special needs have negative perspectives, such as embarrassment, withdrawal, and sometimes even rejection. Mental Distress in Parents Dealing with Children with Special Needs There are several factors that cause mental distress in parents who have children with specia

Parental Communication with Children about Sexuality | Solh Wellness

Talking about sexual matters is taboo, especially in Indian culture. Sexual and physical health should be treated equally in daily life. Nowadays, kids use the internet so regularly that it's normal for parents to be oblivious of the content their kids are accessing. Parents must be open and honest with their children regarding sexual concerns, just as they are with other concerns, in order to provide their kids the self-assurance to convey their needs to their parents. Significance of Parent-child Communication For the following reasons, parental discussion of sex with children is crucial for a child's sexual development: Parents are their children's first teachers because at home, where they can see and interact with their families, youngsters learn the most. Parents have a responsibility to guide their children with age-appropriate sources of information because children rely on them for information about their environment. As a result, good communication between parents

How does Environmental Factors affect a Child's Mental Health? | Solh Wellness

  The environment in which a person lives or was raised has an impact on their mental health. Growing up in a positive environment increases the likelihood that a child would experience stable mental health as an adult. When treating any mental health disorders in children, it is crucial to take into account the larger context of their lives, which includes the environment in which they live and work. The two most important environmental components that have the most effects on a child's mental health are physical and social. Physical aspects of Child’s Mental Health From the time that a child is growing up and dealing with obstacles to the time that they are incorporated into their daily lives, physical elements have a long-term effect on their mental health.   Lack of sleep: Due to the digitization of everything, many individuals, particularly children, have developed internet addictions. Children are supposed to sleep for 8 hours per night, but this is not actually happening.