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Coping with Uncertainty: Youth Mental Health in a Changing World | Solh Wellness

Young people nowadays face unprecedented amounts of uncertainty as a result of the quick pace and constant change of our society. Young people nowadays face a never-ending stream of problems, from social and political upheavals to technical breakthroughs. This article explores how uncertainty affects young people's mental health and offers some helpful advice for overcoming these difficulties. Understanding the Impact of Uncertainty on Youth Mental Health 1. Increased Stress: Young individuals frequently experience higher stress levels as a result of uncertainty. The overpowering fear of the unknown can appear as worry, restlessness, or trouble focusing. 2. Poor Self-Image: Uncertainty might encourage poor self-perception and self-doubt. Young individuals may feel inadequate when compared to their peers, which lowers self-esteem and makes them more susceptible to mental health problems. 3. Loss of Control: Young people may have a sense of loss of control over their lives when fac

Post-Traumatic Stress: The Impact on Soldiers' Mental Health | Solh Wellness

The mental health condition Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may develop after a person experiences or is exposed to a severely upsetting event. These occurrences could involve violence, sexual assault, or dangerous situations. PTSD is more likely to affect soldiers because of the nature of their work. Deeply upsetting events that can hasten the formation of PTSD include exposure to battle, losing fellow soldiers, and situations involving the harm of civilians. Some of the PTSD symptoms experienced by soldiers : Reliving the trauma - A trigger can bring up upsetting memories, making the person feel as though they are reliving the painful incident, whether they are awake or asleep. Avoidance - Soldiers frequently avoid circumstances that make them think about their trauma. For instance, some soldiers stay away from crowded or noisy areas. They might also decide not to talk about the incident that harmed them. Negative emotions that persist - People who have PTSD may struggle with

Nurturing self-esteem and fostering healthy body image in today’s youth | Solh Wellness

Self-esteem and body image problems are more common among young people in the present digital era. Many teenagers and young adults experience self-worth issues as a result of the continual exposure to idealised and inaccurate portrayals of beauty. This article explores the difficulties these young people experience, potential impacts on their mental health, and offers helpful suggestions for dealing with these problems and offering support. The struggles faced by today’s youth: Misleading Beauty Standards: In an effort to instill false expectations in young people, the media frequently presents pictures of the "perfect" body. Social media impact: When young people compare themselves to photographs that have been manipulated and filtered, apps like Instagram and Snapchat encourage a culture of comparison that lowers self-esteem. Peer pressure: Young individuals may feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied with their appearance as a result of criticism and expectations that homogeni

Academic Stress and Mental Health: Balancing the Pressure on Youth | Solh Wellness

For young people, the pressure to perform well in school has grown significantly. They believe that in order to later have a successful profession, they must enrol in a good institution, have excellent grades, and do outstanding internships. They experience severe stress as a result, which has an effect on their mental health. Unfortunately, they spend so much time on school that they neglect their relationships with friends and their sentiments. These requirements could originate from their families, personal objectives, or cultural norms. There may be increased pressure from teachers and schools for students to perform well. Whatever its source, pressure at school can have negative outcomes. Children's mental health may suffer if they focus solely on performing well in school and neglect other crucial activities like staying healthy, making friends, being creative, and getting enough sleep. They might make an effort to conceal their negative feelings, high levels of stress, or ev

Bullying and Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects people of all ages and can have serious negative effects on mental health. It entails repeatedly acting aggressively towards someone who might be viewed as being inferior or different by an individual or group. Bullying frequently occurs in areas including schools, companies, neighbourhoods, and online forums, making it challenging for victims to avoid its negative effects. Types of Bullying Physical bullying: Physical bullying involves physical acts of assault, such as kicking, punching, or forcing someone. Such bullying is simple to recognize. Physical injury, injuries, and long-term health problems could result from it. Verbal Bullying: Making fun of someone or spreading unfounded rumors is considered verbal assault, also referred to as verbal bullying. This kind of bullying can have the same negative effects as physical bullying by causing emotional distress, embarrassment, and low self-esteem. Social bullying: Social bullying, also known

The Digital Dilemma: Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  The usage of social media by young people has recently become a major worry. Many young people appear to be intensely involved in it, even living their lives via it. The primary motivation for taking photographs these days is to share them on various social media platforms. The concept of making genuine memories appears to have disappeared.  This has given rise to another hotly debated topic: the distinction between reel life (online) and real life. On social media, people frequently present an idealized image of their lives. These posts usually include smiles and depict a happy life. This behavior, however, has the potential to deceive others who follow them, leading them to feel that everyone around them is thriving while they are failing. This view may contribute to increased sadness. To combat this, a new movement has evolved in which people are encouraged to share their own difficulties. While this is a step in the right direction, it is only the beginning of resolving these cha

Anxiety and Depression in Youth: Unraveling the Mental Health Crisis | Solh Wellness

  Anxiety and sadness are the most common mental health disorders among young people. According to the statistics of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), around 31.9% of adolescents aged 13 to 18 have experienced an anxiety disorder, while 14.8% have experienced a major depressive episode. These illnesses have far-reaching implications, dramatically affecting a young person's life by disturbing academic endeavors, interpersonal ties, and general sense of well-being. In more severe cases, these problems may potentially lead to suicidal ideation. A variety of factors contribute to the beginning of anxiety and depression in adolescents . These variables include genetic predisposition, brain chemistry, life events, and the environment. Genetics: Some people are predisposed to anxiety and sadness due to their ancestors. This means they may experience more stress or cope with emotions differently. Brain chemistry: Anxiety and depression may occur when specific chemical