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Showing posts with the label Mental Health Awareness

The Effects of Hypertension and How to Cope up with it | Solh Wellness

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is caused by factors such as excessive stress, overthinking, and poor eating habits. It causes a variety of physical and mental health issues.  Hypertension causes the following physical and mental health issues: Hypertension's Negative Physical Health Effects Hypertension is a major risk factor for a variety of cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease. Elevated blood pressure can damage the arteries, resulting in atherosclerosis (plaque buildup), decreased blood flow, and increased heart strain. High blood pressure over time can harm vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes. It has been linked to heart muscle thickening (left ventricular hypertrophy), heart failure, kidney disease, cognitive decline, vision problems, and an increased risk of aneurysms. Diabetes and hypertension frequently coexist. High blood pressure can reduce insulin sensitivity and inc

Hypertension and its harmful effects on Mental Health | Solh Wellness

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is becoming a more common mental health disorder throughout the world. It has a direct effect on the body's arteries and is a major cause of cardiac arrest in humans.  Several studies have also found that certain factors or conditions linked to high blood pressure can increase the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. Individuals who have hypertension, depression, or financial difficulties, for example, are more vulnerable to cognitive difficulties. Dementia and High Blood Pressure Dementia is typically caused by a combination of brain-damaging factors, with strokes and Alzheimer's disease being common contributors to cognitive decline. Lowering blood pressure is important in lowering the risk of dementia because it reduces the likelihood of strokes, which can lead to cognitive impairment.  It is important to note that these strokes, while often minor and unnoticed, can add up. Having multiple small strokes or a few larger o

Psychological Capital: Working towards your Mental Wellbeing | Solh Wellness

Our ability to successfully handle difficult situations and get past barriers that affect our mental health is referred to as psychological capital. It refers to the abilities and assets we have for preserving and advancing our mental health. When people can maintain their mental health, their psychological capital is regarded as high. In other words, a person's psychological Capital grows as they become more resilient and capable of handling stress and adversity. To lay a strong psychological capital foundation, it is essential to cultivate and nurture our mental well-being. The Value of Psychological Resources For people to be happy and healthy, they need psychological capital, or PsyCap. PsyCap has several advantages, including: Personal happiness, success, and fulfilment depend on building psychological capital . It improves resilience, enabling people to deal with difficulties, setbacks, and adversity more skillfully. Building resilience, self-efficacy, hope, and optimism fost

A Guide to Creating a Self-Care Routine for Mothers | Solh Wellness

Being a mother is a joyful experience, but it can also be stressful owing to the numerous obligations that come with it. Mothers frequently find themselves juggling various duties, such as carer, breadwinner, and household manager, with little time for self-care. On the other hand, prioritizing self-care is critical for moms to manage stress and maintain good physical and mental health. This blog will highlight the significance of self-care for mothers and provide a step-by-step guide to developing a self-care practice. Sources of Stress for Mothers Mothers face a variety of stressors that can affect their mental and physical health. These stressors include parenting responsibilities, financial pressures, work-related stress, relationship issues, health concerns, and societal pressures. These stressors can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, mothers must recognize and address the sources of stress in their lives and seek support from partners, family members, friends,

Promoting Mental Health in Rural Communities | Solh Wellness

Many parts of our country regard mental health education as a taboo subject, which can make people feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help. This is especially true in rural areas where primary education and awareness are scarce. As a result, it can be extremely difficult for people in these communities to gain proper knowledge and understanding of mental health. Why is there a mental health knowledge gap in rural areas? Multiple factors influence the reach of mental health knowledge in rural areas . Lack of awareness and communication channels are two of these factors. As a result, residents of these areas may lack access to critical mental health information, resulting in misunderstandings and misconceptions. Among these elements are: Due to a shortage of mental health professionals and resources, limited access to mental health services is a common issue in rural areas. Mental health stigma is prevalent in rural communities, contributing to underdiagnosis and undertreatment. Rural m

Positive Affirmations for Mothers | Solh Wellness

Positive affirmation is a technique in which people repeat positive statements to themselves in order to increase self-esteem, confidence, and a positive attitude. This practise aids in the reduction of negative self-talk, the enhancement of self-esteem, and the promotion of an optimistic outlook. Affirmations can help people rewire their brains to focus on the good in their lives and feel more empowered to achieve their goals. Positive Affirmations include the following:  I am deserving of joy, success, and fulfilment. I have faith in my abilities and my inner strength. I have faith that everything is working out for my highest good. I am open to new experiences, growth, and personal development. A person can train their mind to deal with any problem by repeating affirmations.  The Advantages of Positive Affirmations Positive affirmations have been shown to be effective in the lives of people who use them on a daily basis. Some of the most important advantages of using positive affirm

How mothers can incorporate Mindfulness into their Daily Routine | Solh Wellness

Mindfulness is a practise that allows people to think more clearly and be more attentive in the present moment. Mindfulness involves paying attention to one's thoughts and surroundings without becoming distracted. Mindfulness has been shown to help reduce the effects of common mental health disorders such as stress, anxiety, and hypertension.  Making time for meditation Practising mindfulness can be difficult for women because there are many barriers to following the routine in their hectic day-to-day lives. A mother can practise mindfulness in a variety of ways, including: Find small moments throughout the day to practise mindfulness, even if only for a few minutes. Find small pockets of time throughout the day to practise mindfulness, even if it is only for a few minutes. Make mindfulness a priority by incorporating it into your morning or evening routine. Use transitional moments, such as waiting in queue or switching between tasks, to practise mindfulness. Incorporate mindfulne