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The Intersection of Sustainability and Mental Health: Why It Matters | Solh Wellness

The ability to preserve the natural resources and systems that support life on Earth while ensuring their long-term viability for future generations is referred to as environmental sustainability. In order to preserve biodiversity, protect ecosystems, and reduce the negative environmental effects of human activity, sustainable practises must be implemented. Climate change, pollution, resource depletion, and habitat degradation are all examples of environmental problems. It entails utilising renewable energy, lowering waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and implementing sustainable land use practises. This blog will investigate the crucial link between environmental sustainability and mental health. We'll talk about how our environment affects our mental health and propose environmental changes that can help. In addition, we will emphasise environmentally friendly actions that people can take to promote a healthier environment while also improving their overall well-being. Mental he

Postnatal Period - Issues, Self Care & Treatment | Solh Wellness

The postpartum period, also known as the postnatal period, is critical for new mothers to adjust to their new role as carers. This period usually lasts for the first 6 weeks after delivery. It can be challenging for new mothers because they go through physical and emotional changes that make them vulnerable to mental health issues.  This blog post will look at postpartum mental health issues and how families and society can help new mothers. Problems with Mental Health During the postnatal period , many new mothers experience mood disturbances, with approximately 85% of women experiencing moderate and transient symptoms.  Severe depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), adjustment disorders, and postpartum psychosis may affect 10 to 15% of women. Postpartum depression (PPD) is the most common mental health issue among new mothers, with symptoms including chronic sadness, anxiety, irritability, and difficulty sleeping or focusing. 

Caregiver’s Guide: For Mothers | Solh Wellness

Mothers do a lot of housework, including caring for children and elderly relatives. This is already a demanding job, and when combined with a career, it can become overwhelming, especially if that role involves caring for other people's families. Working mothers must prioritise their mental health in order to avoid burnout and stress. How can mother caregivers care for their mental health? Self-care is critical for mental health. Mothers who are carers should always prioritise their own needs. Mothers can help themselves in a variety of ways, including:  Caregivers must take rest and recharge breaks on a regular basis. Even a brief respite can help relieve stress and prevent burnout. Caregivers should prioritise self-care by doing things they enjoy, getting enough sleep, and eating a nutritious diet. Caregivers should not be afraid to seek help from family, friends, or professionals such as therapists or counsellors. Carers can benefit from support groups as well. Meditation, yoga,

Preventive Measures for Pregnancy related Mental Health Disorders | Solh Wellness

Pregnancy is a complex and difficult experience that can have a negative impact on a woman's physical and mental health. The mother-to-be may experience significant stress and anxiety as a result of hormonal changes, physical discomforts, and the anticipation of becoming a parent. These difficulties can sometimes result in mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. These conditions can have a negative impact on both the mother's and the baby's health, so it's critical to take preventive measures to improve mental health before things worsen. Pregnant women's Mental Health Issues Mood swings and feelings of sadness are common during pregnancy, but long-term sadness can lead to a variety of mental health problems. A pregnant woman may experience the following mental health issues:  Depression that occurs during pregnancy or within the first year after giving birth is referred to as perinatal depression. It is estimated that up to 20% of pr

Why Preventive Care is Essential for Mental Well-Being | Solh Wellness

  Individuals' mental health problems can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, family, and relationships. Whatever the cause of an individual's poor mental health may be, it is usually preventable. Long-term sadness and loneliness, in general, lead to depression. With the right measures, these types of mental health conditions can be managed .   Preventive Measures In general, three levels of prevention apply to people suffering from mental illnesses. These preventive measures can be used depending on the individual's condition. Primary Preventive Care: Primary prevention is concerned with preventing mental health problems and promoting good mental health for all members of a community. This can be accomplished through a variety of strategies, including anti-stigma campaigns such as Mental Health Awareness Week and educating schoolchildren about emotions and mental health. Secondary prevention focuses on individuals who are at a higher risk of developing me

Dance and Movement Therapy | Solh Wellness

Dance and Movement Therapy (DMT) is a type of psychotherapy that uses movement, dance, and music to help people improve their physical, emotional, and mental health. It can be used on individuals, couples, or groups and is frequently used to help those who have experienced trauma or have difficulty expressing themselves verbally. The underlying concept of DMT is that the mind and body are inextricably linked. Individuals can communicate emotions, memories, and feelings that are difficult to articulate verbally through physical movement. DMT incorporates a wide range of movement techniques and practises, including improvisation, structured movement, and dance choreography. Dance and Movement Therapy Elements Warm-up exercises, creative movement activities, body awareness exercises, group movement activities, verbal processing, and relaxation exercises are all common components of Dance and Movement Therapy (DMT) sessions. Warm-up exercises are designed to help people connect with their

The Impact of Human Trafficking on Mental Health of Survivors | Solh Wellness

  Human trafficking is the illegal trading of human beings, most commonly for forced labour, sexual exploitation, or other forms of slavery. It is widely acknowledged that this heinous practise is a modern-day version of slavery that violates fundamental human rights. Victims of human trafficking are frequently forced or coerced into situations where they are exploited. Those who have been through this may suffer long-term mental health consequences. PTSD, despair, and other mental health issues are common among survivors of human trafficking. Problems that survivors of human trafficking face  Human trafficking survivors frequently face a wide range of physical, emotional, and psychological challenges as a result of their trafficking experiences. Among survivors, the following are frequently reported incidents: Survivors of human trafficking frequently face physical and emotional abuse at the hands of their traffickers. Sexual assault, beatings, verbal abuse, and other forms of viole