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Parental Acceptance: Embracing LGBTQ+ Identities | Solh Wellness

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning (LGBTQ) individuals or the community. This idea has always existed but was considered taboo; it only recently came into existence as a result of some recent changes in the person's hormones or cognitive process. Due to this, many who once fit into this category felt threatened by their identity, therefore they suppressed it in order to conform to the social norms of the time.  They had the same right to happiness as everyone else and to conduct their lives as they saw fit. They had that chance since the LGBTQ community has become more prominent in society. The person still has a difficult time being accepted by their family and the wider community because of stigma and taboo. They worry that they will be disregarded or told to hide their "abnormality" from society. BEING ACCCEPTED BY HIS/HER FAMILY AS A MEMBER OF THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY It can be challenging for someone who identifies with the LGBTQ+ community to inform their

Role Of Parents In Child's Sexual Development | Solh Wellness

The foremost goal as parents is to take care of their child's overall health and development, that includes physical, emotional, and sexual. The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of healthy sexual development to overall mental and physical well-being. Sexual Development or Sexual Health of children is considered to be important as well. Talking about Sexual health, education to promote it, thereby, remains a sensitive issue as well as a taboo in our society. Socialization of babies and children, especially sexual, should begin at home, where parents can have the opportunity to emphasize their most deeply held values regarding sexuality. From a very young age, children are exposed to messages about modesty, nudity and privacy. There are different responses displayed by infants, such as masturbation, displays of physical affection between parents, and the instructions that children receive about appropriate physical contact with others, which influences children ab

How to support Children’s Mental Health as a Parent? | Solh Wellness

  A child's mental health and that of their parents have some relationship. Since babies are born with "blank slates of mind," parents must be careful that whatever they do will automatically have an impact on their children's health and behaviour, including how aggressively they act towards one another and other children. Supporting Children's Mental Health 1. Modelling effective coping mechanisms - As previously stated, every issue has a solution, or what are known as coping mechanisms in the professional world. The act of modelling involves paying attention to one's own actions and copying them. In order for children to employ healthy behaviour as coping methods when they are in the same situation, parents must model good behaviour for them. 2. Keep an eye out for behavioural changes – As a child's developmental stage advances, so does their behaviour. However, if one notices that the child has become less social or isolated from their friends, family,

Self-Care as a Preventive Measure for Mental Health: Ideas and Practices | Solh Wellness

Self-care is essential for preserving psychological wellbeing and avoiding mental health problems. It entails making conscious decisions to enhance your overall health—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Self-care does not equate to selfishness or self-indulgence. In order to remain healthy, you must practice self-care.  As self-care has gained popularity, its meanings have begun to emphasize on one's overall wellbeing and on recognizing and attending to their own needs. Anything you do for you that feels nutritious is considered self-care. Taking care of oneself involves regularly assessing physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. People practice self-care for various reasons, such as coping with distressing news or maintaining daily happiness. Self-care is unique to each individual, as people adopt different practices, and their definition of self-care may evolve over time. Types of Self-care There are various types of self care that can be divided into a few different types

Overcoming Perfectionism: Strategies for Managing Self-Expectations and Pressure

  Perfectionism is a personality attribute that is distinguished by being immaculate and flawless. In moderation, perfectionism is frequently regarded as a healthy motivator, but extreme perfectionism may cause stress, which lowers chances of achievement. Determining if our perfectionism is good (adaptive) or harmful (maladaptive) might therefore help us determine whether we are benefiting or harming ourselves.  ADAPTIVE AND MALADAPTIVE PERFECTIONISM: DIFFERENCE Perfectionism that adapts: 1. People who practise adaptive perfectionism hold themselves to high standards while yet striking a good balance. 2. They pay close attention to detail, strive for excellence, and have a strong work ethic. 3. Mistakes aren't seen as reasons for failure or humiliation, but rather as chances for development and learning. 4. Adaptive perfectionists have an authentic desire to better oneself and are motivated by internal motivation. 5. They have good stress management and perspective-keeping skills.

Effective Ways to create a Self-care Routine | Solh Wellness

Self-care is a necessary thing for our overall well-being, but it can be challenging to establish a routine in our busy lives. However, it's important to remember that self-care is not selfish. Self-care involves taking care of both your body and mind. This includes exercising regularly, eating nutritious meals, and getting sufficient sleep to maintain physical health. Additionally, practicing mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in activities that help you unwind and reduce stress supports your mental well-being. Remember that self-care is subjective and unique to each individual. Each person's self-care routine differs based on their available time, lifestyle, personality, and interests. Try different techniques and activities that you enjoy and find engaging. Exploring your hobbies can be a great way to discover what brings you joy and relaxation. Embrace the process of self-discovery as you explore different self-care practices . Be patient and open-minded, adjusting your r

Finding Your Tribe: Tips for Building a Supportive Community | Solh Wellness

Humans, as social beings, have an innate desire for companionship, someone to confide in, and a sense of belonging. We are born into a community, but the communities we find ourselves in are frequently imposed upon us with predefined norms and regulations. We yearn for a community that provides social support and shares our values and aspirations as we grow. In this blog post, we will look at why a supportive community is important for personal growth and well-being, as well as strategies for creating or finding a community that meets our needs. Why Do We Need a Caring Community? Emotional well-being is enhanced by sharing our feelings, thoughts, and experiences with others in a supportive community. It provides a safe environment in which we can be vulnerable, receive empathy, and find solace during difficult times. Personal Development: A supportive community serves as a catalyst for personal development. Being in the company of people who share our values and who uplift and inspire