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8 Effective ways to deal with Sleep Disorders | Solh Wellness

  Sleep disorders are a widespread issue that affects people of all ages. These disorders can impair the quality and duration of your sleep, resulting in daytime fatigue and difficulty performing daily tasks. There are, thankfully, ways to deal with sleep disorders and improve sleep quality. Treatment for Sleep Disorders:  Create a Sleep Schedule One of the most effective ways to deal with sleep disorders is to keep a regular sleep schedule. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, even on weekends, aids in the development and maintenance of your body's natural sleep-wake cycle and promotes better sleep quality. Make your sleeping environment as comfortable as possible Your sleeping environment has a significant impact on your sleep quality. Make your bedroom peaceful, dark, and relaxing. To block out noise, use sleep aids such as earplugs or white noise machines, and blackout curtains to keep your room dark. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows if necessary

Sleep Disorders: Types, Causes and Treatment | Solh Wellness

Sleep disorders, also known as sleep-wake disorders, are medical conditions that can affect a person's ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up, which can leave them feeling excessively sleepy during the day and impair their ability to function. Serious health issues like diabetes and heart disease can develop as a result of these disorders. Individuals and healthcare professionals can find the underlying cause, make a diagnosis, and choose the best course of action by being aware of the symptoms of each sleep disorder. Types of Sleep Disorder Humans have been found to have more than 80 different types of sleep disorders . The following are some of the most widespread categories of sleep disorders: 1. Insomnia: An issue with falling or staying asleep, insomnia is a sleep disorder that is frequently brought on by stress, anxiety, or certain medications. The use of medication, behavioural therapy, or lifestyle modifications are all potential treatments for insomnia. 2. Sleep

Sleep Paralysis: Types, Treatment and How to Cope up | Solh Wellness

  Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder in which an individual is unable to move or speak during the period between being awake and asleep. It is frequently accompanied by intense fear and vivid hallucinations, making it difficult for the person experiencing it to distinguish between reality and dreams. The symptoms may last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. People who have this type of paralysis may also have narcolepsy or other sleep disorders. There are two types of sleep paralysis, and it is critical to understand the distinctions before seeking sleep paralysis treatment. Sleep Paralysis Types Isolated Sleep Paralysis (ISP) : ISP is a brief period of sleep paralysis caused by irregular sleeping patterns or high levels of stress. Most of the time, it is unrelated to any underlying medical conditions and can be easily treated by making a few lifestyle changes, such as getting enough rest and managing stress. Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis (RSP): RSP is not the same a

Advantages of Digital Mental Health Care | Solh Wellness

The concept of digital mental health care began with the goal of providing individuals in need with the best mental health solutions that are easily accessible. Along with online therapy, which facilitates communication between doctors and patients, digital mental health care focuses on programmes such as online support groups, emergency helplines, and individual progress tracking. People nowadays prefer digital mental health care over traditional mental health care for good reason. A boon for rural and remote areas People in rural areas can access online therapy sessions through Digital Mental Care. Individuals living in rural or remote areas may find it difficult to access professional mental health solutions, and there is also a social stigma associated with mental health issues. With a stable internet connection, people can access mental health care tools and book online therapy sessions with experts. Accessibility for the specially-abled Online treatment is a good substitute for

PMS vs. PMDD: How Are They Different? | Solh Wellness

  PMS and PMDD are two conditions that have an impact on women's mental and physical health in the days leading up to menstruation. Despite some symptom similarities, they are distinct conditions with distinct diagnostic criteria and treatment approaches. We'll look at the differences between PMS and PMDD, as well as the symptoms and treatments available, in this blog. What Exactly Is PMS? PMS is a disorder that affects women in the days or weeks leading up to their menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms vary from woman to woman, but they all include mood swings, irritability, fatigue, bloating, and breast tenderness. Women are also prone to headaches, backaches, and digestive issues. PMS is a common condition that affects approximately three out of every four menstruating women. These symptoms are usually mild and do not interfere with daily activities. However, PMS can be severe for some women and have a negative impact on their quality of life. What Exactly Is PMDD? Premenstrual dysp

Postpartum Psychosis: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment | Solh Wellness

  Postpartum Psychosis is a severe mental disorder that occurs in new mothers after giving birth to a newborn baby. In this disorder, the new mother has difficulty processing her emotions, which can lead to Delusion, Hallucination, and, in some cases, Schizophrenia. Because it endangers newborn babies and mothers, postpartum psychosis is also known as postpartum emergency.   Symptoms of Postpartum Psychosis Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms are often confused with feelings of sadness, anxiety, or being overwhelmed by emotions, which are common in new mothers. When postpartum psychosis is severe, a woman may exhibit behaviours such as staring off into space, muttering to herself, refusing food, or making illogical statements. Other Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms to Be On the Lookout For: Suspicious thoughts of harming the baby Delusions or a loss of touch with reality Hallucinations (the perception of seeing or hearing things that are not present) A lack of emotional response or a blank fac

Addressing the Gender Gap in Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  We frequently hear about gender differences and their effects on both men and women's lives. Inequality in education, opportunities, and financial gain is widely debated in society. Men and women are socially constructed to have different duties and responsibilities, status, and levels of power, which manifests itself in differences in mental health. There is not only a gender gap in mental health , but also in the use of mental health improvement services. Males are less likely than females to seek professional help for mental health issues. Mental Health: Differences in Gender Teenagers : Females are more likely than males to experience depression and other disorders during their adolescent years. Males, on the other hand, are more likely to have anger issues and engage in risky behaviours during their adolescent years. Adolescent girls are more likely than young boys to exhibit inwardly focused symptoms. Adulthood : Depression and anxiety are much more common in women than in