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How To Identify Panic Attacks: Understanding Your Body Signs | Solh Wellness

The physical symptoms of a panic attack, which include a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness, are abrupt, acute episodes of terror. They can be really terrifying, and it might be difficult to understand what's going on. There are a few things you may do to recognise a panic attack if you believe you may be having one: Be mindful of your bodily symptoms. What sensations are you having physically? Are you experiencing any physical symptoms, such as a racing heartbeat, fatigue, or shortness of breath? Consider your feelings and thoughts. What are your thoughts and emotions? Are you experiencing feelings of fear, dread, or irrationality? Think about the situation: When you experience these symptoms, where are you? Are you experiencing tension or anxiety because of the situation? Worldwide, panic attacks can be debilitating and upsetting experiences for people. They include a variety of physical and emotional symptoms together with feelings of fear or anxiety. Understanding

It’s Not About Diagnosis; It’s About Healing | Solh Wellness

If we look at the classification of mental disorders, there are many problems that necessitate a clinical mental health professional's knowledge and diagnosis. This is important since a diagnosis helps psychiatrists prescribe the right medicine and gives direction for the best therapy strategy. Instead than simply labelling the client, it is crucial to put their healing first. A sound therapy strategy tries to address the person's underlying problems and beliefs, fostering inner healing. Numerous studies have shown that traumatic experiences in childhood, such as child sexual abuse, can affect a person for the rest of their lives and act as triggers for more severe disorders, such as Borderline Personality Disorder and Dissociative Personality Disorder. Instead of only treating the disorder's symptoms in these situations, the emphasis should be on healing the trauma, creating a safe atmosphere, and accepting the individual. The Power of Healing Put healing first while provi

Journaling for Mental Health: A Proven Tool for Healing and Well-Being | Solh Wellness

For the purpose of self-expression, introspection, and personal growth, journaling is the regular recording of thoughts, feelings, experiences, and observations in a personal diary or notebook. About 100 young adults were given different writing assignments in a study done in 2006 to see how it affected their degrees of discomfort. The participants were told to blog about a stressful occurrence for 15 minutes each time, write about their daily goals twice within a week, or sketch about it. Particularly if they were extremely upset at the beginning of the study, people who journaled had a considerable decrease in symptoms including despair, anxiety, and anger. so's interesting to note that most participants had little prior experience writing their emotions, and a sizable portion said they felt awkward doing so. MENTAL HEALTH JOURNALING The research's findings make it clear that keeping a journal has many benefits and is essential to the process of emotional recovery. Let's

Burnout in Doctors: Signs & Symptoms | Solh Wellness

The syndrome known as "burnout" is characterised by sustained, high stress, usually at work, leaving a person feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. Exhaustion, a loss of motivation, and disinterest in one's job are characteristics of burnout. A few parts of life that could suffer are relationships, work productivity, and general well-being. Due to how physically and emotionally taxing their jobs are, those in the medical and caregiving industries frequently burn out. They often have long workdays and little free time as a result. Doctors' mental health may deteriorate as a result of the responsibilities associated with providing care for multiple patients and putting their well-being first. Signs of Burnout in Doctors The following are just a few of the many burnout warning indicators for doctors that could be harmful to a doctor's general health: Emotional exhaustion: A sense of helplessness and cynicism are frequently felt when one is overworked, weary,

The Stigma of Mental Illness in the Medical Profession | Solh Wellness

The stigma of mental illness refers to the unfavourable perceptions of mental health diseases among the medical profession. Some of its distinctive characteristics include a lack of empathy, judgement, and prejudice against medical professionals who struggle with mental health issues. Age differences in attitudes and ways of requesting for help might be seen. Older doctors did not have positive opinions of a doctor who was stressed or depressed. Younger practitioners cited impediments to seeking therapy more frequently as being registration, secrecy, and consequences on career advancement. The stigma associated with mental illness in the medical community can be maintained and reinforced via a number of different tactics. By encouraging and instructing doctors to disregard their health, deny that they have any health issues, keep any concerns about themselves or their colleagues to themselves, and find solutions on their own, the stigma is exacerbated. Medical institutions and organisa

Somatic Symptom Disorder: How to Communicate the Diagnosis Effectively | Solh Wellness

Severe physical symptoms without any discernible medical cause are the hallmark of somatic symptom disorder (SSD). SSD patients include discomfort, gastrointestinal issues, neurological symptoms, tiredness, heart and lung issues, cognitive difficulties, and aberrant sleep patterns. There is no recognised medical cause for these symptoms despite thorough medical tests. SSD is different from intentionally pretending to be ill or malingering to gain an advantage. It is a legitimate condition that people need to be aware of and get treatment for in order to manage their symptoms and improve their overall wellbeing. Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD) sufferers frequently speak with their neighbourhood doctors to better comprehend their affliction. The underlying cause is determined by a variety of screening tests, but when the results are unclear, doctors may diagnose SSD. However, due to the stigma surrounding mental health conditions, sharing this diagnosis can be difficult. As a result, some

Self-Care for Doctors: A Guide to Thriving in a High-Stress Profession | Solh Wellness

Medical professionals must put their own health first because their jobs are frequently demanding and stressful. Because they are under stress, doctors need to take care of themselves. One needs to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional needs in order to do their job as effectively as feasible. One self-care practise that doctors can engage in to maintain their energy levels, focus, and clinical judgement is exercise.  The danger of burnout, which affects many medical professionals, is decreased through self-care.  Setting limits, upholding a work-life balance, and placing value on leisure activities are all ways that doctors can reduce their risk of burnout and keep their passion for their careers alive. Self-care supports the maintenance of mental resilience because situations that emotionally drain medical personnel frequently occur.  Medical workers can benefit from counselling, self-examination, and meditation to process their emotions, develop coping skills, and keep