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10 Unique Ways To Show Random Act of Kindness | Solh Wellness

  The Random Act of Kindness is defined as doing a favour for someone else without expecting anything in return. An act of kindness does not have to be grandiose; it can be as simple as complimenting someone or smiling at a stranger. Unexpected acts of kindness can have a positive impact on everyone in one's immediate vicinity. Kindness includes both compassion and acknowledgment. The desire for recognition is at the root of all problems and emotions, and it is what makes being human and living so beautiful. Here are ten unique Random Acts of Kindness ideas to help you spread positivity. Smiling: Smiling is contagious; if one person smiles at another, the other person will automatically smile back. Giving a smile to friends, family, loved ones, or even strangers can have a positive impact on the people around you. Hugging: Like smiling, hugging is a gesture that spreads positivity. Hugging someone causes the release of oxytocin in the body, which boosts positive emotions. A warm h

How Random acts of kindness can increase positivity? | Solh Wellness

Random acts of kindness are a lovely way to spread love and positivity throughout the world. We can boost our self-esteem while brightening someone else's day by performing an act of kindness, even to a stranger. A random act of kindness does not have to be grand, but it can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, complimenting a stranger, or leaving a note of encouragement for a coworker. These small acts of kindness can have a big impact because the person who receives them may be inspired to do the same for someone else. Random acts of kindness have been shown to boost positivity in both the giver and the recipient. Here are a few examples of how random acts of kindness can boost positivity: Boosts mood: Performing a random act of kindness can lift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself. This positivity can spread to other aspects of your life, making you feel more optimistic and happy in general. Creates a positive feedback loop: When you perform a ran

How to deal with stubborn people? | Solh Wellness

  Dealing with obstinate people can be difficult, but it is important to remember that everyone has their own point of view and reasons for their actions. It is possible to navigate difficult situations and reach a resolution with some patience and understanding. Here are some tactics for dealing with Stubborn  people: Listen actively : Try to understand the other person's point of view by actively listening to what they have to say. To gain a better understanding of their feelings and motivations, pay attention to their words, tone, and body language. Demonstrate empathy : Demonstrate empathy for the other person's situation, even if you disagree with their behaviour. You can create a more positive and productive environment for resolving the issue by demonstrating understanding and compassion. Clear communication : When communicating with another person, be clear and concise. State your position and the reasons for it calmly and respectfully. Avoid accusatory or judgmental la

How to identify a stubborn person? | Solh Wellness

It can be difficult to deal with stubbornness in any circumstance. It can spark arguments and conflicts, making it challenging to find solutions. There are a few telltale signs you can look out for if you want to know how to spot a stubborn person. Stubbornness is a personality trait in which a person refuses to alter their viewpoints or their minds regarding decisions they have made. Those who have been subjected to emotional abuse may have a propensity for being stubborn when defending themselves from allegedly uncomfortable or abusive situations. This behaviour can be attributed to the person's coping strategy, which they developed as a means of defence against prior traumatic experiences. Typical indications of stubbornness include: - Failure to Change Even when presented with new information or facts, a person who is stubborn frequently refuses to change their mind. No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, they have a tendency to hold onto their beliefs. - Rigid

7 Ways to Improve Your Relationship | Solh Wellness

Even those who are the most compatible with one another occasionally have relationships that fail. Relationships can occasionally suffer actual damage from a breakdown in communication or from unresolved issues. The relationship between the parties would benefit more from a speedy resolution of those problems. Here are seven suggestions to help you strengthen your bond . 1.Communication People tend to communicate less as a relationship gets older, which is bad for the union. Communication is the most important aspect of any relationship. When you are with someone else, it is important to express your thoughts and feelings. Sharing opinions, feelings, and experiences with one another fosters understanding and aids in the achievement of shared goals. 2. Display positive feelings Positive feelings other than pleasure include fun, hope, and joy. Positive emotions can lead to more meaningful things in life than specific sensations or emotions that are the focus of pleasure. It's not par

Discovering Trauma Bond Relationships | Solh Wellness

  Trauma is defined as anything that exceeds the brain's ability to cope. It is an intense emotional or psychological reaction to specific events. You are trauma bonded if you feel as if you are losing your sense of self and becoming disoriented. You may also turn away helpful people because you are afraid and believe no one understands you or your life. Trauma bonds are just as addictive as drugs. The person who makes you feel low is also capable of making you feel high. One person abuses, while the other fears detachment. Trauma bonds can form not only between romantic partners, but also between family members, friends, and even coworkers. Understanding trauma bonding - identifying abusive and distressing relationships with brief positive reinforcement - is important for understanding why people have difficulty leaving painful relationships. Symptoms and Signs of Trauma Bonding Not all abusive situations qualify as trauma bonding . There is a process for determining whether it is

What is a Toxic Relationship? Signs and What to Do? | Solh Wellness

A toxic relationship is one that is harmful to one's physical, mental, or emotional well-being. Toxic relationships are defined by the characteristics of fear, submission/domination, and dishonesty. A toxic relationship taints your sense of self-worth, happiness, and perspective on yourself and the outside world. A toxic person will leave a trail of shattered relationships, broken hearts, and broken people in their wake, but toxic relationships do not always end that way simply because the person you fell in love with later turned out to be toxic. Relationships may start out well, but as time passes, negative emotions, a troubled past, or unfulfilled desires may emerge, contaminating the bond between people. Even the most powerful people can be affected; it can happen quickly and easily. Toxic Relationship Warning Signs Only the person in the relationship can determine whether the negative aspects of the relationship outweigh the positive. However, if someone consistently jeopardis