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7 Signs Your Relationship Is Giving You Anxiety | Solh Wellness

Every relationship has its share of challenges, disagreements, and agreements. However, relationships that are overly tense are unhealthy. There are times when bad things can happen in a relationship, such as a loved one's passing, money problems, or a job loss. Being in a difficult situation while in a relationship does not always mean that it is unhealthy. But when do problematic relationships end and unhealthy ones begin. Throughout a relationship, there are potential red flags and warning signs that could result in an unhealthy situation. We've posted a thorough guide to help you better understand your situation if you're interested in learning about the signs that your relationship is making you uneasy. You consider your words too carefully For a relationship to be healthy, there must be enough communication. However, you can tell that your anxiety level has increased if you feel as though you can't even express what you're thinking or want to say. If you give

What You Need to Know About Relationship Stress! | Solh Wellness

Stress is an unavoidable part of life that can come from a variety of sources. Work, financial, and family stress are all common. Relationship stress management is never easy, but it is an unavoidable aspect of life. If your partner has always been your partner's biggest fan, there will come a time when they will need your love and encouragement. While it may be difficult to support your partner when they are under stress, doing so will not only foster comfort and connection, but also a strong, dependable foundation for the relationship on which both partners can rely. Stress can sometimes go unnoticed, especially in close relationships. We justify our actions by blaming "bad days" or "lack of sleep." However, if those defences are frequently activated, something else may be going on, influencing blood pressure, causing heart disease, and being linked to other diseases. It may also have an effect on your emotional health, leaving you frazzled, overburdened, and

5 Ways Parents Can Assist Their Children in Overcoming Exam Stress | Solh Wellness

  Growing competition and the stress that comes with it are not new in today's world. However, the consequences of this competition can be seen in the next generation at a very young age. Long-term stress from exams and academic activities may be a precipitating factor in an individual's anxiety and depression. There are ways for parents to learn the signs of Exam Stress in their children and how to help them overcome it. Exam Stress Symptoms Specific changes in habits may be a sign in a child that a parent can notice if their child is under exam stress. Feeling tense Having headaches and stomach pains Not sleeping well Being irritated Decrease or increase in appetite  Not enjoying activities that are previously enjoyed Being negative and having a low mood Feeling hopeless about the future Here are 5 tips to assist your child in dealing with exam stress: Getting Adequate Sleep Adequate sleep improves focus and thinking. Teenagers typically need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night.

What Effect Does Stress Have on Parenting? | Solh Wellness

  In today's world, stress is a common issue. Parenting stress is a new mental health issue for new parents. Parents who are stressed may find it difficult to control their emotions, making them irritable, angry, and unable to interact with their children. Furthermore, they may struggle to provide their children with consistent, loving care, which may harm their development and well-being. Stress can also impair a parent's judgement, leading to rash or dangerous actions such as ignoring their children's needs or abusing drugs. Stress can also cause a loss of energy and motivation, making it difficult for parents to spend quality time with their children and maintain a healthy home environment. The Effects of Stress on Your Children Parental stress has an impact on both family ties and individuals. Parental stress has a significant impact on how children are raised. As a result, parents may show less affection and responsiveness to their children. Reduced parental ability c

Bulimia Nervosa - Symptoms & Treatment | Solh Wellness

  As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone's daily routine has changed. As a result of stay-at-home directives and quarantine recommendations taking centre stage, the majority of the population abruptly began working from home. And at the time, a term that drew a lot of attention was Bulimia Nervosa. People from all walks of life are affected by behavioural health disorders. Similarly, Bulimia Nervosa, like mental health illnesses, does not discriminate based on race, colour, gender, or identity. Bulimia Nervosa is a serious and sometimes fatal mental health illness that includes disordered eating behaviours. Bulimics use binge eating and other weight-controlling behaviours as a coping mechanism (compensatory behaviors, like purging). These actions are influenced to some extent by having a negative body image or being overly concerned with weight. People with bulimia, like those with other eating disorders, frequently conceal their illness due to feelings of shame or guilt ab

Anorexia Nervosa - Symptoms & Causes | Solh Wellness

A potentially fatal eating disorder in which a person restricts their food intake. Individuals with anorexia frequently experience fear of being overweight, societal pressure, or depression. Anorexia typically begins in women around the age of 15, but it can affect anyone. Anorexia affects nearly 4% of women and 0.3% of men worldwide. Anorexia symptoms include: Specific behavioural indicators of anorexia include refusing to eat in front of others, engaging in excessive exercise to burn calories, and hiding their bodies in baggy clothing. Some people even develop eating rituals, such as slicing their food into tiny pieces or rearranging the food on their plate to appear to have consumed more than they have. A person suffering from this disorder may also exhibit the following symptoms: Dizziness and faintness Extreme exhaustion (fatigue) Eating extremely restricted Anxiety about gaining weight Period loss or failure to initiate a menstrual cycle Body fat and muscle loss or fluctuation Ci

Causes Of Eating Disorder | Solh Wellness

  Eating disorders, like mental health, are still not taken seriously in today's world. In some ways, it is a mental disorder in which an individual struggles with his eating habits as a result of mental stress. According to research, approximately 9% of the world's population suffers from this disorder. The underlying cause of this complex illness varies depending on the individual's biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Eating Disorders are classified into the following categories: It is critical to understand the categories of eating disorders in order to understand the various causes of them. Various researchers have classified it into 8-12 types over the years, but it can be generalised into just three categories for ease of understanding. Anorexia : This type of eating disorder occurs when a person becomes obsessed with their weight gain and attempts to reduce it by avoiding food or starving themselves. It is most common in young people who are obsesse