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Use of Sports Psychology in improving Mental Fitness | Solh Wellness

  Sports psychology is the study of how psychological factors influence athletic performance, exercise, and physical activity. Sports psychology investigates how participating in athletic activity can improve one's health and well-being. Athletes can use psychology to improve their physical and mental health. Furthermore, sports psychology is useful not only for athletes but also for non-athletes. The advantages of sports psychology The field of sports psychology is vast, and there are numerous applications for it. The following are a few examples of how sports psychology is used. Improved Focus : This therapy focuses on tuning out outside distractions and concentrating on the present moment. This is handy, especially with athletes playing sports in front of a huge crowd. Deep breathing, being mindful, and paying attention to physical signals and feelings are standard techniques that can be utilized for this Goal. Becoming Mentally Strong: The phrase refers to the psychological tr

Role of Physical Activity and Sports in Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  Even though mental health is completely different in nature than physical activity, there is a big correlation between them. Your mental health improves as you engage in more sports. Numerous studies have shown that people who engage in sports and physical activity on a regular basis enjoy higher standards of living and greater levels of tranquillity. There are various types of benefits in the mental health of an individual if the physical regime is followed properly: Anxiety and Stress Reduction A regular exercise routine can help reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and other common recurring diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The ability of exercise to promote the formation of new neurons benefits the hippocampus and other important brain regions. Increased neurogenesis may help to calm the brain in stressful situations. ADHD is an acronym for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Exercise can help children with ADHD improve their brain function. Physical a

Solh Talks : Season 1 | Leading Ladies | Solh Wellness

Mental health stigma and discrimination persist in our society, creating significant barriers for people seeking help or support for their mental health. It can make people feel ashamed and isolated, worsening their mental health problems. By providing an AI-driven, non-judgmental, safe space for people to express themselves and seek help to prevent clinically diagnosed mental disorders, we hope to make mental health support affordable, 24x7 accessible, personalised, and accepted worldwide. So, whether you have mental health problems or want to learn how to support someone who does, we encourage you to watch this video and participate in the discussion. Remember that you are not alone and that assistance is available. Let us all work together to put an end to stigma and discrimination against people who suffer from mental illnesses. We'll be speaking with a diverse group of women who have defied societal norms and carved out their own paths to success, from athletes to artists, ent

Dealing with Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination | Solh Wellness

  Mental health issues are not new in today's society, but there is still a lot of stigma and discrimination surrounding people's mental health. Many people's mental health problems are exacerbated by the stigma and discrimination they face as a result of their condition. People can face discrimination from various sources, including friends, family, co-workers, and social media. Types of Stigma  There are two types of stigmas associated with mental health that an individual may face. The Mental Health Stigma : An old mental health stigma is that it is irreversible. When a person is unaware of the mental health solutions available, he or she feels like a lost cause. Discrimination : Discrimination against people with mental illnesses in social groups exacerbates the effects of mental disorders. In most cases, the discriminated person begins to lose self-esteem and isolates themselves. The Negative Effects of Mental Health Stigma The consequences of mental health stigma can

Types of Psychotherapy: Which One is Best for You? | Solh Wellness

The term "psychotherapy" refers to the process of treating mental health issues with a mental health professional through psychotherapy sessions. Individuals learn about their disease as well as their moods, feelings, ideas, and behaviours during psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Types In the mental health field, there are various types of psychotherapy. Therapists can choose from a variety of session formats to help their patients improve their psychological, emotional, and social well-being. Self-analysis of problem characteristics can help you choose between different types of psychotherapy . Individual Therapy : In this therapy, people express their feelings in a safe and nonjudgmental environment. The counsellor attempts to steer the patient's thinking and behaviour in a more positive direction during psychotherapy sessions. Group Therapy : This type of therapy may involve more than one counsellor analysing and guiding a group of people. These groups typically focus on a

Understanding Psychotherapy: Benefits and How it works | Solh Wellness

  Psychotherapy is a collaborative therapy between the patient and the psychologist in which the counsellor attempts to determine the individual's thought pattern. In general, psychotherapy sessions provide the patient with a safe and nonjudgmental environment in which they can freely express themselves. Psychotherapy assists people in improving their thinking patterns and feeling better about themselves. Psychotherapy Benefits There are many forms of psychotherapy, but they are all intended to assist individuals in overcoming obstacles, creating coping mechanisms, and living happier, healthier lives. A professional and experienced psychotherapist who is certified to evaluate, diagnose, and treat mental health disorders may be able to help you if you are exhibiting signs of a psychological or psychiatric disorder. Psychotherapy is generally more affordable than other alternatives, and it is also a viable option for individuals trying to avoid medications from psychiatrists. Disorde

Dealing with Panic Attacks: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment | Solh Wellness

  Everyone experiences anxiety, fear, or stress on occasion. It is a natural human response to frightening or dangerous situations. Some people, however, worry more frequently than others, for no apparent reason. Panic attacks can be shocking and overwhelming. Knowing what to do when they occur can help to lessen their impact or even put an end to them. A panic attack is defined as the sudden onset of intense fear or nervousness. Terror and dread usually strike unexpectedly and out of proportion to any real threat or danger. Panic attacks are frequently brief. However, the effects of a panic attack can last for several hours after the initial attack. Panic attacks are the most common symptom associated with the diagnosis of panic disorder. They can, however, be a symptom of a variety of mood and anxiety disorders, as well as other illnesses. Panic attacks can also occur in response to specific events or stressful situations. Panic attacks can result in a variety of physical and emotion